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Need a business lawyer?  

Stuck on your contracts and
terms and conditions? 

  • ​Customised Legal Documents and Expert Reviews
  • Most Popular Women's Small Business Lawyer
  • Award Winning Law Firm
"A unique high blend of professionalism 
mixed with personal sensitivity" 

- Miriam Lieberman
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We Can Help You
Hi! I'm Davina, Founder at The Mumpreneur Lawyer.
I help women in business stay in business with customised legal documents, expert reviews, advice and more. 

I know that your time is precious, you want to spend your money wisely, and you need a lawyer who understands you.

 That's why we make the promises below!
Fixed Costs
We give you fixed cost quotes, because we know how hard it is to run a business with open expenses. Usually our legal packages are around $1k. 
Flexible Times
We offer flexible consultation times for our clients, because we know your time is precious and you may need to wait till the kids are in bed.
Tailored Documents
We offer tailored legal documents crafted to suit your business,  because we understand your needs are unique.

7 Reasons You Need a Lawyer

  • A lawyer can provide expert reviews of commercial contracts. 
  • A lawyer can tailor contracts for you so they are unique to your business.
  • A legal template can come with legal risks and not offer sufficient protection.
  •  A lawyer is best placed to draft legal documents and agreements.
  • A lawyer can help with intellectual property protections and trademarks.
  • A lawyer can help with advice around structuring and company registrations.
  • You need to ensure you are compliant and want expert advice.

Who Do We Help? 

Our focus is on women starting and growing their businesses BUT, after helping many women over the years, they often say 
"We loved using you! So can you help my partner? ... my husband?... my son? brother? ... my parents?"
If they are in biz, our answer is  "Of course, we can :)" We welcome all genders.
What Our Clients Are Saying
"Fantastic. Super helpful, and
tailored for me."

- Caroline T.  
Allied Health Services
"She does seem to be
the legal whisperer."

- Bianca V. 
Life and Business Coach
"She makes working with
legal stuff actually fun!"

- Siri B. 
Digital Marketer
"An absolute gem... able to answer all my legal questions with ease."

- Tracey B.
Web Designer and Copywriter

"My go-to person... normal, relatable and makes the legal side of things easy."

-Zo B. 
E-Commerce Store

"So easy to work with! She knew exactly what I needed for my business niche."

-Bec O. 
Textile Design
“I’m juggling work, a family, and now a business! 
I don’t have time to do legal stuff too!”
“I don’t understand this contract, it seems unclear.”

 “I’m worried a template won’t cover me.”

“I want to make sure I’m complying with the law.”

"I think my terms are outdated."

“I know writing my own terms is risky...”

These are the most common problems our clients face when they are starting and growing 
their businesses. Let’s face it, legal stuff is OVERWHELMING, HARD and can be CONFUSING.

We help all types of business owners with their legal needs. We craft contracts so they are tailored to protect your interests and ensure you comply with all necessary regulations.

What our Clients are saying on Google!

"7 years ago"...
"I remember a time, 7 years ago when I was representing women in business in court. Court is expensive, and it doesn't just hurt your finances, but takes a toll on you emotionally, and on your family. The cost of not getting your legals in order can be HUGE. I knew that there had to be a better way to help women in business stay in business. If only, when I was before the Judge I could present well drafted contracts to argue our point. If only my clients had been PROACTIVE in getting their legal documents in order at the start. If only there was an expert legal drafter that offered FIXED COSTS for small businesses and startups. If only... 

I knew these women needed a solution. They needed legal documents to PROTECT them, and be a guidebook they could go back to. They needed someone who CARED about them and their industry. They needed someone who could look to their future, who could help them TRANSLATE the way they wanted their business to work into legal words... 
and then I knew that person had to be me."  Davina Borrow-Jones

We offer Customised Contract Drafting and Review Services
To help you present professionally even when you are new to business.

To ensure you feel EMPOWERED in your business relationships.

To give you a rulebook to help you run your businesses.

To help you negotiate CONFIDENTLY and get paid.

To protect you from legal risk.

We take care of your contracts so you can make more money and spend more time doing what you LOVE. Isn't that the kind of security you want in your business? 
Don't Wait! Book Now!
Don't wait till things go wrong with your business, be proactive and get your legals in order now.
© 2021 The Mumpreneur Lawyer  All Rights Reserved.